How to Restore a Broken Life
Contributor: Chad Roberts It is the nature of God to restore. Did you know after a bone is set and healed, its strongest place is at the point of the break? It is because it is in the heart of God to restore. Far more hurtful than broken bones are...
Do You Believe?
Contributor: Caleb Stone In the book of Matthew, Jesus is followed by two blind men who were crying out to him to have mercy on them. When Jesus entered a house, the blind men came before him, hoping to be healed of their blindness. When Jesus saw them, he asked them...
The Source
Contributor: Caleb Stone Within Jeruselam was a pool in a place called Bethesda, where many who were afflicted with illness would come for cleansing and healing. For an angel of the Lord would come at times to stir the water, which would heal any who stepped into the...
Have You Lost Hope?
Contributor: Chad Roberts Have you ever lost hope? Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope delayed makes the heart sick.” I try to imagine what it would have been to be a disciple after Christ’s crucifixion. The feelings of despair had to be overwhelming. ...
Forgetting Jesus’ Words
Contributor: Chad Roberts Christians have a long history of forgetfulness. One of the reasons we need to be reminded of God’s promises often is because we forget them. Part of the narrative of the resurrection story is that Christ-followers forgot His...
Fighting Kudzu
Contributor: Chad Roberts The church I pastor fights a constant battle. On the left side of our property, grows a fast and invasive vine called kudzu. Each year we have to attack it or else it spreads so rapidly that it will overtake everything in its...
How to Share Your Testimony
Contributor: Chad Roberts Are you intimidated at the thought of sharing your personal testimony? The idea brings questions like where do I start, how much detail do I share, and what do I do if someone asks me a question that I don’t have the answer to? ...
Why Jesus was Baptized
Contributor: Chad Roberts I have sometimes wondered why Jesus was water baptized. Have you ever questioned why Jesus would feel the need to be baptized when he had no need to repent? If so, we are in good company, because even John the Baptist felt uneasy...
The Healing of Whom We Love
Contributor: Caleb Stone We go through this world with many pains and trials to welcome us at many different turns. One of those pains is one that is not inflicted upon us, but instead the suffering of a loved one. Those whom we love will always feel pain, just as we...
Bible Investors
Contributor: Chad Roberts As of 2022, there are approximately 1,892 languages in the world who are without any portion of the Bible in their native language. Have you ever wondered where we got our English Bible? William Tyndale (born ca.1490) translated...
Sheltered in the Arms of God
Contributor: Chad Roberts One of my favorite songs of the Christian faith is called Sheltered in the Arms of God. When God began to take me down the difficult path of blindness, I would often sing the chorus to myself, “So let the storms rage high, let the...
Silencing the Storm
Contributor: Chad Roberts Most of the miracles Jesus did in his earthly ministry took place along the shores of the Sea of Galilee. Even today when visiting Israel, Christians love to go on the Sea of Galilee. This famous body of water is only thirteen...