Contributor: Chad Roberts

Do you know how the ancient people of Alaska would catch wolves?  Because wolves are carnivores and are attracted to the scent of blood, they would take the sharp head of a spear and freeze a thin layer of ice over the blade.  They would then dip it in blood and set it out as a snare.  As the wolf enjoyed the blood from the head of the spear, without realizing it the ice would numb his mouth and the blade would slice his tongue.  Before long, the wolf would collapse as he continued to drink his own blood.  

2 Timothy 2:26 gives us a clear warning with very strong language.  Paul writes, “and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.”  How many people today are captured by Satan to do his will?  I don’t know about you, but this text sends a shudder down my spine.  When you hear news reports of senseless tragedies, understand it is Satan at work as he is controlling people who have given themselves over to sin.

James goes on to warn us about the deceitfulness of sin.  He writes, “Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death” (James 1:15). The end results of Satan’s snares are not simply bad experiences or negative consequences.  Rather, the end result is death.  Scripture wants us to feel the weightiness of temptation and sinful choices. 

The fact is everyone faces temptations, but the truth is, you do not have to engage in the temptation.  Just because you are tempted does not mean you have sinned.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a Godly German pastor who was killed in Hitler’s concentration camps used to say, “Sin is not in the bait, but is in the bite.”  As you face temptations, see it for what it is–a snare of Satan.  According to 2 Timothy 2:26, by God’s grace you can escape such snares!

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