Tomorrow’s Worry
Contributor: Chad Roberts Do you often worry about the future? Most people do. I think it's quite human to worry about our health, our children, and the many other things beyond our control. It saddens me when I pray with people who have a dread of...
Numbering Our Days
Contributor: Chad Roberts Have you ever noticed how the Bible emphasizes days rather than years? In today's culture, we mark birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations by counting the years. Scripture encourages us to number our days. ...
A Thanksgiving Song
Contributor: Chad Roberts What does Thanksgiving Day and the nursery rhyme, Mary Had a Little Lamb, have in common? Why do we observe Thanksgiving Day on the last Thursday of each November? While the idea of a thanksgiving meal dates to the...
The Aroma of Christ
Contributor: Chad Roberts With less than a week to live, Christ visited friends in Bethany. I cannot imagine the weight and pressure He felt knowing Calvary was near. Of course, Christ had already displayed His power over death by raising one of His best...
God of the New
Contributor: Chad Roberts My best days are when I begin them with God. I try not to face the day until I have been face-to-face with the Lord. I love to wake up early in the mornings to enjoy the stillness and quietness of scripture before the busyness of...
Ability vs Availability
Recently, I was challenged to ponder the difference between ability and availability as it applies to Christians. The dictionary’s definition for ability is talent, skill, artistry, expertise, aptitude, mastery, competence, proficiency, dexterity, smartness,...
The Spiritual Battle for America
Contributor: Chad Roberts The Bible makes it clear that the world does not get better prior to Christ’s return, but in fact, it gets worse. Scripture tells us exactly what to expect. When writing to Timothy, Paul says the last days will be “difficult” (2...
Know Truth. Share Truth. Live Truth.
We ask, “What is truth?” Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, ‘So You are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’...
Having All Sufficiency
Contributor: Chad Roberts I was in my mid 20's when I learned the truth of 2 Corinthians 9:8. I had planted Preaching Christ Church with less than ten people. We were about five years in and had grown to the impressive size of less than fifty people. I was...
A Parent’s Promise
Contributor: Chad Roberts Do you consider yourself a good parent? The responsibilities of parenting can seem never ending. Most families have little time between homework, sports, doctors' appointments, laundry, the list goes on and on. How can a...
The Mind is a Control Tower
An airport, no matter the size, has a control tower that constantly monitors flight patterns, which sometimes will require the redirecting of a flight to ensure the safety of the flight and of others. And like an airport control tower, the mind is a control tower that...
Deception in the Last Days
Contributor: Chad Roberts Do you believe we are living in the last days? Born 1895, Arthur E. Bloomfield once said of the future, ““The times will be intense. Everything will be at the maximum. The greatest advances in science. The greatest...