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The Way

The Way

Today’s demagogues are pushing the lie that A.I. and other advanced technologies can create eternal life and 2.0 humans that become their own god. Therefore, heaven is a fantasy and hell is a fictitious place that can be dismissed. Yet Jesus spoke of hell at least 20...

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Does Satan often remind you of your past?  It seems he keeps a detailed record of our mistakes and failures, and he has a way of bringing them up right as God begins to move in our life.  For many it’s one step forward, two steps back, in their spiritual...

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The Power of Obedience

The Power of Obedience

Do you believe Jesus understands the needs of your life?  In my view, the story of the coin in the fish’s mouth not only proves that Jesus understands our practical necessities, but that he orchestrates every detail.  It is interesting to me that this...

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Whom Shall I Serve

Whom Shall I Serve

It is impossible to walk in obedience to God’s will and purposes if we serve our own fleshly desires. We find a perfect example in the story of Achen, who made the unfortunate choice of choosing the world’s offerings over the will and purposes of God. The Israelites...

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Build Yourself Up

Build Yourself Up

When I was young in my faith and needed encouragement, I would look for it in others.  I can remember hoping that someone would call me or indicate that they were praying for me.  As I have grown in the Lord, I have learned that God expects me to encourage...

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The Secret Place

The Secret Place

He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. (Psalm 91:1)  Life is uncertain as we watch the world spin out of control. But Jesus said, “I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or...

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