Recently, I rediscovered a few “personal observations” that I had paraphrased from biblical truths with the purpose of anchoring my heart to God. During the first years of walking with the Lord, it became apparent that the world is a powerful distraction from God, so it was important not to lose sight of His life-changing truths. It is my hope that you see these observations as meaningful, gentle reminders of God’s great love that continually calls to each heart.

1. Don’t try to look beyond the horizon when you have yet to make your footprint on today.

2. Don’t be a prisoner of your circumstances; give thanks to God in your circumstances.

3. We cross many bridges in life, but the most important bridge is Christ who provides access to God.

4. We measure our lives by our successes. God measures by how much we love others.

5. The Word of God is sweet nectar for the soul.

6. We see flaws and mistakes; God sees a work in progress.

7. Truth and faith cannot occupy the same space where fear and doubt exist.

8. Be careful to travel the road that leads to God’s plan for you.

9. My choices determine my destiny.

10. If you ignore God’s advice and counsel, calamity will surely overtake you.

11. May God’s truths and wisdom always be my guide.

12. The Lord is my strength and shield when I place my trust in Him. 

13. Life is like a chess game between God and the devil, but God checkmated the devil.

14. Life is but a vapor when compared to eternity. Don’t waste the talents and gifts God gave you.

15. Walk by faith and not by sight.

16. God graciously extends forgiveness, mercy, and love to all; it is my choice to accept or reject it.

17. All things are possible to those who believe in the One who makes them possible.

18. The Lord is perfect love, and perfect love casts out all fear.

19. Do not be wise in your own eyes but seek God’s wisdom and truth.

20. Knowledge of God’s Word preserves life.

21.  Seeking understanding of God’s Word will bring security, peace, and wisdom.

22. Don’t gamble with eternity. You just might lose.

23. A surrendered heart to Christ, is like a beautiful butterfly that broke free from its cocoon and took flight.

24. Jesus Christ is the greatest expression of God’s love given to mankind.

25. Forgiving others as Christ forgives us is paramount to the Christian faith.

26. Set your heart and eyes on the Lord, for this world is but a brief stay.

27. God does not honor a divided heart that serves to please both God and the world.

28. Various trials and suffering have the power to produce patience and to refine faith.

29. A prideful heart brings destruction. Walk humbly before God.

30. All that we do should be done in genuine love as Christ loves us.

 PRAYER: Lord, may the truths found in Your Word never leave my heart and mind, and may they always be a constant reminder of Who You are and Your great love for me. In Jesus’ name, amen.