I appreciate the way David uses contrast throughout the book of Psalms. Such is the case in Psalm 16:3-4.  He contrasts the godly from the ungodly.  This is a great principle for our lives.  When it comes to righteous people, David says they are his delight, whereas when it comes to the wicked, David would have nothing to do with them.  Are you drawn to godly people?

“As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, in whom is all my delight” (Psalm 16:3).  Many people lack godly friendships. As a result, their own spiritual growth suffers.  If you are someone who does not have many godly influences in your life, may I encourage you to seek out godly people?  Have the attitude of David that you delight in those who live righteous lives.  The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out or take their names on my lips” (Psalm 16:4).  In stark contrast, David says those who refuse to live righteously will suffer more and more. 

Paul warns us to be careful with who we invite into our lives by writing, “Do not be misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good character’” (1 Corinthians 15:33).  Notice how Paul cautions us not to deceive ourselves.  Why do you suppose he uses this kind of language?  Because it is so easy to be misled by the influence of friendships.  It has been well said that people either deplete you or complete you.  I want the friendships of my life to add to my spiritual growth, not take away from it. 

For me, the point of verses three and four is to decide: am I going to seek the company of believers or unbelievers?  When Peter was at his most backslidden state of denying Jesus, he warmed his hands by the fire with unbelievers.  When you look around your own life, what do you see?  Who is influencing you?  Take David’s advice and seek out the friendship and fellowship of righteous people.

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