Resolute Faith

Resolute Faith

Contributor: Chad Roberts Approximately 45% of Americans start the New Year with a resolution.  However, only about 8% actually keep their resolutions for the year. Statistics tell us about 22% of resolutions fail after one week, 40% after one month, 50% after...
 Numbering Our Days

 Numbering Our Days

Have you ever noticed how the Bible emphasizes days rather than years?  In today’s culture, we mark birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations by counting the years.  Scripture encourages us to number our days.  Why do you suppose...
Five Miles from Bethlehem

Five Miles from Bethlehem

Emmanuel, it is an astonishing title for Christ.  The Name means God with us.  When Christ was born to the Virgin Mary in the City of David, Bethlehem, history itself would be divided between B.C. and A.D., marking the birth of our Lord.  Among the...
Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Contributor: Chad Roberts Thick fog had settled over the twenty mile stretch between Catalina Island and the California coastline.   The thirty-four-year-old Florence Chadwick was already an accomplished swimmer, but on July 4, 1952, she was aiming to become the...
 Comfortable Christianity

 Comfortable Christianity

I enjoy reading biographies of missionaries and other Christian heroes from the past.  One of my all-time favorites is the story of Adoniram and Ann Judson.  They were the first missionaries sent out from the newly formed United States of America.  Born...
The Divided United States

The Divided United States

Contributor: Chad Roberts Do you believe America will face another civil war in our lifetime?  I certainly pray not!  While I do not believe there will be a war of weapons, make no mistake that there is a civil war of ideologies.  I often wonder how...