Everywhere you can find awakened to grace
Ways To Listen
The Awakened To Grace Mobile App
Download the Awakened To Grace Mobile App HERE available on Apple, Andriod, Google Play and More! Our Mobile App is FREE and will always feature the latest content from Awakened To Grace.
Podcast Channels
Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or your favorite Podcast app HERE!
Our Partnership with OnePlace.com
OnePlace is a wonderful ministry partnership and powerful platform. You can find all of our great content on OnePlace HERE
Our Partnership with Pray.com
Awakend to Grace is excited to partner with Pray.com to bring you our Daily 25 Minute broadcasts Monday – Friday. Connect with our Daily Broadcast HERE
You can find all of our archived video content organized in Playlist on our YouTube channel by clicking HERE
Smart Home Devices
Do you own an Amazon or Google Home device? Simply prompt your device and say “Play Awakened To Grace Weekly Sermons Podcast”
Do You Have a Passion To Advance The Gospel?
Partner With Us
Did you know that Awakened To Grace is almost completely listener funded? God has blessed us to be able to be on many powerful platforms to spread the Gospel as far and as wide as you can. We believe that God has given us a burning desire to continue to take Awakened To Grace futher and wider. Would you prayerfully consider becoming a Grace Giver?
Become a Grace Giver
Grace Givers are vital in advancing our mission to be the trusted voice for Biblical teaching. You can give a one time gift or become a monthly Partner! Your monthly partnership not only provides financial stability for the ministry—it impacts the life of each person touched by Awakened to Grace.
Grace Givers Community
With your 1 time or monthly contribution we are able to advance the gospel beyond the walls of our church. Here is what our Grace Givers Community make possible:

Radio & Podcast
Supply people with trusted biblical teaching to nationwide radio stations and multiple Podcast platforms

Free Mobile App
Provide solid resources that our listeners’ can access in an easy accessible app.

We create books, teaching series, music and other resources available to encourage Christians in their daily walk. STORE