Chad Roberts
Are you a Christian who often feels defeated? One of Satan’s choice weapons is discouragement and he will stop at nothing to hinder and deflate the Child of God. I learned from Warren Wiersbe books years ago that as believers, we do not fight for victory, but instead we fight because of victory! It is because of what Christ has accomplished that we can look past the hand of Satan and take comfort and encouragement by looking to the Sovereign hand of Jesus Christ. Let us unpack the rich and meaningful truths of Colossians 2:15.
He disarmed the Rulers and Authorities
This is a powerful statement in the Bible. The Greek word for disarmed literally means to strip from power. This word tells us that by Christ’s death on the cross, he stripped Satan and his kingdom of their power. I love how Paul uses the word, “rulers” and “authorities.” He is not meaning the Jewish rulers nor the Roman authorities. Rather, he is speaking of the kingdom of darkness.
Paul describes these demonic forces again in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.”
Satan will attack you and often it comes through the people we love or even through those who we work with. As believers, our responsibility is to recognize where those attacks are originating. According to Ephesians 6:12, the answer is from this spiritual darkness. I’m not sure about you, but I need this reminder often that I do not, “wrestle against flesh and blood, but against…spiritual forces of evil.”
When Satan and his kingdom come against me, I need to remember the claim the Bible makes in Colossians 2:15, “He disarmed the rulers and authorities.” Christ stripped them of their power!
Putting Them to Open Shame
Not only did Christ strip (disarm) Satan and his kingdom, but Paul goes on to give vivid descriptions so that you and I can stand with Christ in victory. Next, he says that Christ, “Put them to open shame.”
Paul is going to outline how Christ put Satan to open shame. First, in verse 13, the Bible teaches that we were dead in our sins. We did not and could not have the life of God inside us. But now, because God has forgiven us of all our sins, God “made us alive together with Him.” What a remarkable statement! This means that the same resurrecting power that raised Christ out of the grave has resurrected our dead, sinful hearts!
Then he goes on in verse 15 and explains just how in depth our forgiveness of sin is. Paul says that the record of our debt (all of our sins plus the Law that magnifies and increases our sins) have been nailed to the cross of Christ!
Satan has no claim over the Child of God! He has no legal right to us. Yes we have sinned. Yes we have a record of debt that he could argue for our souls, but thanks be to God that our record of debt has been paid in full by the cross of Jesus Christ! Satan is put to “Open Shame” by the powerful, eternal blood of Jesus Christ.
By Triumphing Over Them in Him
Now comes a most powerful word picture. Paul, through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, uses a vivid word picture to describe this “Triumphing” over Satan. The word picture in the Greek language is that of a Roman General who won over an opposing enemy. A Roman General would capture his enemy, tie him to the back of his military chariot and parade him through the streets of Rome celebrating their great conquest.
Can you see what Paul is implying? The next time Satan attacks you, belittles you, upsets you, tempts you or comes against you, simply remind him that Christ has captured him, paraded him through the streets of eternity and has once and for all declared VICTORY!
Yes, Child of God, we do not fight for victory…we fight because of victory. For the born again, Christ follower, victory is guaranteed because it was purchased with the blood of Christ on a hill called Golgotha at Calvary.
Victory is not about you nor I…it is about Christ! This is why we can proudly and confidently say with the Apostle Paul, “But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere.” 2 Corinthians 2:14
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