Chad Roberts
Now, you may find a reference sheet on Harold and you may know some facts about him that I do not know. For example, you may find out where he was born (all I know is that he is from Kentucky). You may find out his birthday (I have no idea when his birthday is.) You might even find out his allergies (if any) or his parents names.
You could tell me that you know Harold because you know alot of facts about him. But I would ask you, “Yeah, but do you really know Harold? Have you had dinner with him? Have you played with his little girl? Have you ever been to his house?”
Do you see the difference? Some people think they know the Holy Spirit because they know some Biblical facts, but my question is do you truly know Him? It makes all the difference.
This is That
When I committed myself to preaching through the entire Book of Acts, I knew it would be a great adventure. One of the small surprises I found was in the familiar phrase, “This is that which the Prophet Joel prophesied” from Acts 2:16
This small phrase stopped me in my tracks. Peter and the disciples in the Upper Room had just experienced the power of the Holy Spirit that Christ had promised ten days earlier. The entire city of Jerusalem was seeing the Holy Spirit come upon His people for the first time in the new area called the Church. It was a history shaping moment that Luke records for us in Acts 2. And the way Peter describes it is, “This is That.”
When the Holy Spirit comes, everyone knows it. Why? Because He manifests Himself. He is going to display His power, His discernment, His giftings and His ministry. He is going to point hearts, eyes and souls to Jesus Christ. He is going to enable the preaching of the Gospel. He is going to magnify the Son of God. He is going to restore, heal and set free. Yes, when the Holy Spirit comes to a life, to a church or to a city, people will know it!
Have you experienced the Holy Spirit in your own life? What I find fascinating in all my studies of the Book of Acts is that the Holy Spirit is experienced over and over again. God is not just someone to know intellectually. He is also to be experienced. I am so thankful the power of God and the love of God can be experienced as well as learned.
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