We live in divisive days. The public square is filled with everyone’s opinions. Everywhere you look society is being politicized. From social media to sports, even the Olympics were filled with controversy and criticism. It is difficult to escape people’s opinions. The challenge of being a Christ follower in today’s culture is to be aware of what is shaping your thinking.
The church is filled with differing viewpoints. Should today’s Christian be far right conservative, far left progressive, or moderate in the middle? Today’s divisive spirit is trying to creep its way into the church.
So the question to answer is how should a Christian think? King David gives us the answer in Psalm 139:17. He writes, “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!” In other words, do God’s thoughts matter to you? They mattered to David. The way God thinks was precious to him and should be precious to us.
A biblical worldview is when you value God’s way of thinking. When you take the most controversial issues of our day–abortion, gay rights, gun laws, the death penalty, and so many more important topics–do you view them the way God does? To grow in your faith is to begin to think the way God thinks.
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