Within Jeruselam was a pool in a place called Bethesda, where many who were afflicted with illness would come for cleansing and healing. For an angel of the Lord would come at times to stir the water, which would heal any who stepped into the waters of whatever illness had fallen upon them. In the book of John, there is described a man who had been sick for thirty-eight years and was waiting to go into the waters to be healed. However, he had no one to help him into the water, so he could not enter.
Jesus came to this man and saw him lying on the ground, sick and in desperate need of a healing miracle. Jesus knew this man had been waiting for a miracle for a very long time and asked him if he wanted to be healed. The man tells Jesus that he could not make it to the waters. Jesus then spoke to the man, telling him to take up his bed and walk. At that very instant, the man was healed and he went on his way to tell others about the miracle working power of God almighty.
This man had expected to find his healing miracle from the waters within the pool of Bethesda and instead found it in Christ Himself. We often expect miracles to come from the things of this world. Money, homes, resources, jobs, etc. However, we are not to be dependent on the conduit of the miracle and instead worship the source of the miracle. The miracles we see are blessings, but we must always remember that every good thing comes from the Lord, not the tool with which he uses to bless us. Jesus is the source of our healings and miracles and He still holds that same power and authority over sickness today. Within Christ, and Christ alone, is there hope for healing and cleansing.
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