Chad Roberts
Preaching is serious business and I feel the weight of this responsibility each week. I pray, think, study and savor God’s Word so that I might share it as a Shepherd with his sheep to feed them with “knowledge and understanding.” Jeremiah 3:15.
Each year, I realize that I only have 53 Sunday’s to preach, and I miss about 10 of those weekends to give opportunities to our other pastors. So I am very careful and prayerful in the topics I choose to teach. This year, I felt the Lord wanted me to grow in 2 primary ways…First, in preaching more from the Old Testament. For me, it is much more challenging than preaching from the New Testament.Second, to develop and create Biblical resources that can be shared far beyond our church.
So here are the sermon series and why I choose these topics. I also share our Stand Alone topics, resources, podcast and other content we have developed this year. What a great year it has been teaching God’s Word!
CHANGE (January)
It does not matter how long we have been a Christian, we are constantly needing to grow and become more like Christ. I wanted to set the tone for the year in growing personally and spiritually, so I chose a series that would help us begin the year with the right focus. This series included: Change My Attitude | Change My Thinking | Change My Relationships | Change My Plans | Change My Life. There is a natural progression to this series. Each of these areas of our life affects the other. Your attitude affects your relationships. Your thinking affects the plans and course of your life. They each build upon the other. I think, Change My Attitude, was my favorite of this series.
Right on the Money (February)
Right on the Money was a very personal and challenging series for me. It was personal because Sadie and I often struggle with tithing. Where we own a business, there is always (and I mean always) things that require more money. There seems to be a never ending list of financial responsibilities. To carve out tithes every single week is a challenge and discipline that God has had to help me with.
It was challenging in the fact that I spoke on topics I had never tackled before. Subjects like investing and what God expects if we have a surplus of funds. I enjoyed building this series from beginning to end and watching each weekend build upon the other. It also paved the way for the greatest year financially PCC has ever had. I think it helped people like myself who struggle to tithe make the commitment and stick with it. Topics included Strapped: What to do when there’s not enough | God’s Principles for Handling Money | Loaded: The Real Meaning of Money | Investing: The Finish Line. My favorite from this series was, Strapped, because not only was it deeply personal, but it was from the book of Haggai and began my journey through the Minor Prophets this year.
Pierced by the Word (March)
The book of 1 John has a special place in my heart. In March, I wanted to do a series that addressed Assurance of Salvation. I counsel with many people who wrestle with knowing that they are in fact saved. The Apostle John uses the word “Know” in 1 John over 20 times. The entire book is intended that believers would know the confidence of Christ’s atoning work of salvation rather than confidence in our own works or good deeds. Subjects for this series include: Why Did He Write This? | Assurance of Salvation | Counterfeit Christians.
Beauty for Ashes (April)
During the Christmas Season of 2015, I was listening to a sermon from Times Square Church on the Scripture of Beauty for Ashes. It was so moving to me that I knew I wanted to explore this text more and design a series that would dive deeper into Isaiah 61. What I found was a depth to Christ’s work that I did not realize until studying for this series. Topics include: Christ’s Ability to Set Free | Christ’s Ability to Comfort | Christ’s Ability to Preserve | Christ’s Ability to Restore.
The Altar (May)
One day in 2015, I was driving while listening to a southern gospel song called, “The Altar.” It spoke so strongly to my heart and I could not quit thinking about the altar. The more I thought it about, the more curious I was to what altars represented in the Old Testament. The more I thought on this topic, the more I wanted to develop a sermon series that would explore the altars of the Bible. What happened around those altars? What were their purposes?
As I said earlier, I challenged myself to speak more from the Old Testament. I prefer to preach in an exposition style, so New Testament books, like Romans, appeal to me more because you can usually speak from each verse, even each phrase down to each word. The Old Testament is a little more difficult to do that way. So it was challenging to study and prepare from the Old Testament, but it was very rewarding and profitable. Topic include: The Altar of Fulfilled Promise | The Altar of Consequence | The Altar of Triumph. I Think the Altar of Consequence was my favorite of this series.
JONAH (June)
Preaching through the book of Jonah was a wonderful experience. I was amazed at the every day, practical lessons Jonah’s life can teach us. Each week was thrilling to break apart nearly each verse of each of the 4 chapters of Jonah. Many people came to me afterword and shared what God had done in their hearts through this series. Again, I was on track with preaching more exposition sermons from the Old Testament.
Topics include: Jonah Running From God | Jonah Running To God | Jonah Running For God | Jonah Running Into God.
The Attributes of God (July)
The Summer months of 2016 were hurtful and divisive for our country. Black Lives Matter, Police shootings and rioting dominated the news headlines. I wanted to present a series that taught us the nature and character of God. The attributes of God is a challenging subject. It caused me to press deeper into Scripture. Pt. 1, The Wrath of God, may have been the most difficult sermon I have ever prepared for. Pt. 4, God’s Justice, was also a subject I had never spoke on.
Subjects include: God’s Wrath | God’s Forgiveness | God’s Goodness | God’s Holiness | God’s Justice.
Watch & Pray
I enjoy teaching on prophecy and end time events. While I do not like speculation, I do enjoy seeing the predictions the Bible gave centuries ago unfolding before our very eyes. I had a small two week window that I could have chosen stand alone topics, but instead, I took the opportunity to teach a brief, two week series from Matthew 26:41.
This 2 part series includes: What to Watch For | What to Pray For.
City On A Hill (September)
I knew the Lord wanted me to focus the church on evangelism in the month of September. I had a read a great book by Pastor James McDonald called, Vertical Church, earlier in the year. Toward the end of the book, they mentioned 4 categories they focused on, Unceasing Prayer, Unashamed Worship, Unapologetic Discipleship and Unafraid Witnessing. I thought these would make a great sermon series. So I took those topics and begin to develop my own content around them. I also included two of these sermons in my book on prayer. They had a great impact on my own life.
Topics include: Unceasing Prayer: The Persistent Widow | Unashamed Worship: The Woman at the Well | Unapologetic Discipleship: Blind Bartimeaus | Unafraid Witnessing: The Lame Man.
Burning in My Soul (October)
In the summer months, I had read the book, Storm: Hearing Jesus for the Times We Live in, by Pastor Jim Cymbala and he defined God’s presence as the, “Reality of His presence.” That kept burning in my mind and heart as I thought and prayed about the October sermons. Again, I knew the Lord wanted me to preach more from the Old Testament and so we choose 1 Samuel as the subject of the month. I especially enjoyed preaching on Samuel’s visitation from the Lord in chapter 3. I had referenced this many times, but had never preached expositionally from it. I most enjoyed the final sermon of this series because it was new content to me. I learned great spiritual lessons for my own life and ministry from 1 Samuel 7.
Topics included: How to Recognize God’s Presence | How to Recognize God’s Voice | How to Recognize God’s Victories.
THANKFUL (November)
From the beginning of 2016, I knew the Lord wanted me to preach each phrase of 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. It’s a special chain of commands that can change our personality and life. I found these commands rich with truth and causing me to rely deeper on the power of the Holy Spirit, because commands like “Rejoice Always”, “Prayer without Ceasing” and “Give Thanks in all circumstances” cannot be accomplished by our human will or determination. These are supernatural commands and must be done through the Holy Spirit as we walk, obey and are filled with Him every day.
Topics included: Worship | Rejoice & Pray | Give Thanks.
HABAKKUK (December)
In early 2016, I felt pulled to the book of Habakkuk, I just wasn’t sure when the opportunity would come to preach it. As we end 2016, I am so proud of how much I have grown in preaching new content, I thought it would be great to end the year with Habakkuk, a book I have never preached from. Well, as I have spent this year studying and savoring this obscure OT book, I know in my heart that this will be the crown jewel of the 2016 sermon series collection. I am beyond excited to walk through this book with my congregation.
My goal for this series is to see Scripture build our confidence so deep in God’s Sovereignty that no circumstance in this life can shake our faith.
Topics include: Habakkuk 1: Wonder & Worry | Habbakuk 2: Watching & Waiting | Habakkuk 3: Worshiping & Witnessing
2016 Stand Alone Topical Sermons
There have been only 9 stand alone sermons and 3 other sermons outside of PCC for 2016. The rest of the year has been invested in carefully thought out sermon series. Here are the stand alone subjects for this year.
The Day The Sun Stood Still
Savior King Good Friday (Rick Keller Keller)
Alive (Easter Sunday 2016)
Celebrating Heaven (Mother’s Day – Pastor Phil Goins & Pastor Bob Howerton)
What Do You Need? (Preached at LampLight Theatre)
Taking the Hill (L3 Sunday – Pastor Danny Walker)
Prayer that Moves Mountains (Farmer’s Market Community Prayer Gathering)
Who Is This King of Glory? (Rise Together at Farmer’s Market)
Run, Run, Run (Pastor Bob Howerton)
Where Did You Lose It? The Story of the Lost Axe Head
Treasure in Jars of Clay
Christmas 2016 Sunday (Pastor Bob Howerton)
Nicaragua Pastor’s Conference (October)
In October, I had the opportunity to travel to Nicaragua with a wonderful, local ministry called, New Vision International, and its founder, Eddie Lane, to join in their pastor’s training program. We had the privilege of training over 150 pastors. My role was to develop 2 sessions and teach those 2 sessions each day of the training. I then had the joy of preaching at the Prince of Peace Church on our final day of the training. It was a life changing experience.
October 3 Nicaragua Pastor’s Conference (Rodeo Grande Baptist Church) (2)
October 4 Nicaragua Pastor’s Conference (Sontotomas “Prince of Peace Baptist Church House) (2)
October 5 Nicaragua Pastor’s Conference (Somotillo) (2)
October 6 Nicaragua Pastor’s Conference (Villaneuva – Jesus is the Light) (2)
October 6 Nicaragua Pastor’s Conference (Somotillo “Prince of Peace Church – Main Campus) Colossians 1 – The Progression of the Christian Life (PM Service)
As much as I know I am called to Pastor, I know I am called to create resources rich with Biblical content. I am dedicating the lion’s share of my energy to developing helpful and encouraging resources that I am praying goes far beyond the walls of our church. These are the areas the Lord is leading me into…
Audio & Article Teachings
I have seen so many people hurt by fellow Christians and even churches, that I wanted to create a resource that would address those who have been wounded. God placed this on my heart while meeting with a great friend who has walked away from the Church because of the hurt he and his family have experienced. We met for over a year weekly. These topics are in audio and article format and include: Wounded by God | Wounded by the Church | Wounded by the Ministry.
Strength for the Journey
This is a resource created for people with aging parents. I have seen many families walk this difficult path and in the process, their life comes to a grinding halt, and so does their spiritual life. It is a demanding season that can have negative consequences if we are not prepared to handle the stress and isolation it can bring. Strength for the Journey is designed to bring helpful and encouraging devotions to those in the process of caring for loved ones.
Topics are available in audio and article format. They include 6 Ways to Avoid Isolation | 4 Emotions that Destroy | What to do when you don’t know what to do | Scriptures to Ponder When A Parent Passes | 4 Ways to Help Aging Parents | How to stay spiritually strong when caring for an aging parent.
Episode 1 – the Power of Prayer (Terry S Whitson)
Episode 2 – Is God Anti-Gay?
Episode 3 – Orlando, Ramadan & Islamic Extremists (Michael Hamrick)
Episode 4 – Divine Healing
Episode 5 – Church Marketing (Rick Keller)
Episode 6 – Church & Politics
Episode 7 – Sunday’s are the Worst
Episode 8 – Thinking Outside the Box
Episode 9 – Transitions (Terry Whitson)
Episode 10 – How should the Church respond to #BlackLivesMatter?
Season 2 is coming in early 2017 with all new content and guests!
Video Ministry
In 2016, God answered a major prayer I have had for years and that is for someone gifted and willing to record and produce our Sunday sermons and other teachings. When God sent Dave and Johnnie Hennessee through the doors, He answered that prayer!
Now, every Sunday is filmed, edited and uploaded weekly along with other teachings and devotionals. This is a game changer for us!
Spanish Translation Ministry (Puerta Abierta)
Another resources God has provided is the translation ministry of Bernie Suarez & Ashley Clark Suárez. Puerta Abierta (Open Doors) is our Hispanic Outreach and each Sunday, our serves are translated (live and simultaneous) into Spanish. I dream of a day when our congregation is filled with Hispanic families!
Calling on the Name of the Lord (Book)
In 2016, I wrote and published my first book. It was an exhausting but rewarding labor. It is a book on prayer and how to develop a stronger prayer life. We have ideas for 4 or 5 more titles over the next few years.
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