I have read 1 Peter 4:10-11 countless times. In fact, I am so familiar with it, I have memorized it. It was that great preacher, Charles Haddon Spurgeon who said in the late 1800’s, no one outgrows scripture. The book widens and deepens with our years. I have found that to be true in my own life and ministry.
This week, 1 Peter 4:10-11 widened and deepened for me. Peter teaches that every believer has been given a gift, and we are to take those gifts to serve one another. In verse eleven, he reinforces this thought by saying that if someone speaks, it should be the sayings of God or if anyone serves, they should serve in the strength God supplies, because the ultimate aim of the Church is that God is glorified in everything.
What struck me as odd is that if God is glorified through our speaking and our serving, should we not take the spiritual gifts given to us and use them to serve God? No! Peter says we are to serve one another. This stunned me. How many Christians today are serving selfishly? They are not interested in serving their brothers or sisters, but instead live lone ranger style lives.
If you and I are going to supremely glorify God, we must unselfishly serve others. If you have been part of any type of church or ministry activity, you know it is much easier to serve God over serving others. God doesn’t complain, gossip, or hurt your feelings. People do. This is why Peter says in verse ten that we are stewards of the manifold grace of God. It takes grace to serve others. This week, why don’t you glorify God by serving those around you?
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