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The Way

The Way

John 3:16 was one of the first verses I memorized as a new Christian: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (NIV). While meditating on this short but very significant verse,...

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An Attitude of Gratitude

An Attitude of Gratitude

One of the most important decisions I make each day is to have a good attitude.  This is not to say I get it right every time, but it is one of my greatest goals.  I cannot express how difficult it is to see so vividly in my dreams and then to wake up to...

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Godly Friendships

Godly Friendships

I appreciate the way David uses contrast throughout the book of Psalms. Such is the case in Psalm 16:3-4.  He contrasts the godly from the ungodly.  This is a great principle for our lives.  When it comes to righteous people, David says they are his...

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Two Roads

Two Roads

Jesus taught people are on one of two paths. He called it the broad road and the narrow road (Matthew 7:13-14).  The first leads to eternal destruction, while the second leads to eternal life.  I am always stunned when I hear people say, “All roads lead to...

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God in Our Daily Routines

God in Our Daily Routines

Do you feel stuck in life?  If so, you're not alone.  A recent study shows that sixty-nine percent of Americans feel stuck in their daily routines.  As a pastor, I find this statistic disappointing.  A careful study of the Bible will show that God...

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Overtaken by God’s Blessings

Overtaken by God’s Blessings

What comes to mind when you think of God's blessings?  For me, the word favor comes to mind.  I want God's hand so evident on my life that His favor can be seen in every aspect.  Deuteronomy 28 is some of the most exciting and vivid language...

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As I was studying God’s Word the other day, my eyes fastened on the word “if” which Satan used to tempt Jesus in the desert. Interestingly if is used 805 times in the Old Testament and 602 times in the New Testament for a total of 1,407. Satan confronted Jesus as...

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Resolute Faith

Resolute Faith

Contributor: Chad Roberts Approximately 45% of Americans start the New Year with a resolution.  However, only about 8% actually keep their resolutions for the year. Statistics tell us about 22% of resolutions fail after one week, 40% after one month, 50% after...

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 Numbering Our Days

 Numbering Our Days

Have you ever noticed how the Bible emphasizes days rather than years?  In today's culture, we mark birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations by counting the years.  Scripture encourages us to number our days.  Why do you suppose this...

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Excellence—Not Perfection

Excellence—Not Perfection

I absolutely love when God speaks to us through those things that surround us. As I have said in my book, JOURNEY WITH GOD, He uses people, animals, nature, everyday activities and experiences, and His Word to reveal precious truths to us. We must be aware of those...

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