Evil Doesn’t Need A Reason
How do you make sense of a senseless tragedy? Like most of you, I am struggling to understand how one man can cause so much pain. As of now, 58 have lost their lives and another 500 are wounded. Just when we think our society cannot grow any more evil, something like...
Casting All Your Care (The Age of Anxiety)
Experts say that history will call us, "The Age of Anxiety." When you read Philippians 4:6, “Be anxious for nothing”, do you read this as a command or as a suggestion? If the Bible is commanding us to not worry and invites us to handle every situation in life with,...
Self Care is not Selfish
I am used to going 100 miles per hour it seems. Is that not our culture? I am sure you have a hard time slowing down as well. The Lord is teaching me some valuable lessons this Summer after suffering two failed eye surgeries. It seems I just cannot work as hard and as...
I Am Loved By The King (Thoughts Over The Swiss Alps)
These are the words I am listening to as we fly over the Swiss Alps. The view from 30,000 feet above the ground has given me the most wonderful appreciation for the majesty of God. As I look down on these snow-capped mountain peaks, I am thinking to myself, only a God...
Overcoming Doubt
Over the last number of years, I have been having spiritual dreams and hearing words while asleep. The Lord will speak to us and give us dreams while we sleep, read Job 33:15-18. Some time ago while asleep I heard these words, “War on doubt”. As believers, we all have...
Sex, Marriage & Money Pt. 2
Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have. For He has said, ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:4-5 In all the marriage counseling I do, Money issues are probably the second leading cause of marital strife, other...
America and The Wrath of God
As I watch the warnings issued by local and state authorities concerning Hurricane Irma, I am soberly reminded of my responsibility to warn people of God’s coming judgment. Many are wondering if God is going to judge the United States. It is a good question to ask,...
Faith’s Demand on the Body (Scriptures on Divine Healing)
What am I to do with the faith the Lord has given me? He has given me a measure as well as you, so what do we do with such a gift? Jesus taught that if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, that alone can move mountains, so what are we to do as our faith...
They Recognized They Had Been with Jesus
Acts 4:13, “ Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common men, they were astonished. And they recognized that they had been with Jesus.” A phrase in Acts 4:13 says the Jewish authorities recognize that the Peter and...
This is That (Thoughts on the Baptism of the Holy Spirit)
Have you experienced the Holy Spirit? Do you know Him in a personal way? I have a friend who attends my church. His name is Harold. I have been to his house, he has been to mine, we have shared dinners together, Bible studies together and I even had the privilege of...
Held By God
At the time of this writing, my son, Hudson, is 6 months old. I have never seen a baby fight sleep the way this kid does. There are times when I am holding him that he clings so tightly to me. I will whisper to him to fall asleep, but yet he remains so restless. I...
What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?
In this article, we will explore why the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. It seems many believers are in one ditch or the other concerning the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Either they emphasize it too greatly or they do not emphasize it enough. Either it is the...