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Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

Hear No Evil, See No Evil, Speak No Evil

Actions and words have power to create spiritual growth, or they have power for destruction. Therefore, the heart must be kept with all diligence and close attention paid to the three gateways to the heart: the ears, the eyes, and the mouth. Thus, we are...

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“Don’t Worry”

“Don’t Worry”

I love the very upbeat and fun song, “Don’t Worry; Be Happy” by Bob Marley. It is full of joy, hope, and wisdom that encourages us that despite problems, we are to reframe the way we think. He says, “In every life we have some trouble; when you worry you make it...

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Soaring Eagles

Soaring Eagles

It never ceases to amaze me that when we truly meditate on God’s Word, He will reveal profound truths. The following scripture is monogramed on a beautiful throw blanket that was gifted to me many years ago. I have always loved this scripture, but only recently did...

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Do you become upset when you make mistakes? Do you berate yourself when the mistake could have been avoided? Do you live with regrets? Do you believe that you are too flawed to receive God’s blessings? Great news! You are human! Flawed means to be...

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“Here I Am”

“Here I Am”

Many of us have been praying the Lord’s Prayer since we were children. But as I was reflecting on different aspects and meanings of this prayer that Jesus gave to His disciples, this sentence stood out: Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...

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The Process of Mourning

The Process of Mourning

Death, though unfortunate, is promised to all living things. However, for the believer who has surrendered their heart to Christ, death escorts that believer into the presence of the Lord. So, when losing someone, we who remain, should not ignore or discount our pain...

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God’s Classroom

God’s Classroom

Who would think that making lasagna could be God’s classroom for another life lesson. All my ingredients were gathered except for two different kinds of cheese that I had frozen and placed in the kitchen refrigerator/freezer. So, after removing almost everything from...

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The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

It was the winter of 1973. Ten years had passed since my dad had passed away from a massive heart attack at forty-five. As a new Christian of two years, I was learning about the power of forgiveness, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your...

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The Power of God’s Armor

The Power of God’s Armor

Sanballat (meaning the god—Sin—has given life) was an enemy of the Jews and a very influential Samaritan. He unsuccessfully tried to stop Nehemiah (a Jew and high official in the Persian court) from rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem that had been torn down by the...

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The Joy of Perseverance

The Joy of Perseverance

Life has a way of presenting unpleasant interruptions; however, God often uses those interruptions as teachable moments. Recently, my teachable moment came when my washer, which had a 10-year warranty, quit after 10 years and one month. Fortunately, I had a home...

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Imitation or Real—Lie or Truth

Imitation or Real—Lie or Truth

Have you ever purchased what you believed was an authentic antique only to learn that it was a very good imitation? Or you bought a piece of artwork, advertised as an original, but later discovered it was a convincing copy. Not all that glitters is gold, for there are...

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