Terry Whitson
asleep. The Lord will speak to us and give us dreams while we sleep, read Job 33:15-18. Some
time ago while asleep I heard these words, “War on doubt”. As believers, we all have to deal
with doubt and this is what Satan began doing from the creation of mankind. He deceived Eve
and caused her to doubt God’s Word when he told her, “You surely shall not die. For God
knows that in the day you eat it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God knowing
good and evil”. God had told Adam and Eve, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden;
but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, You shall not eat it,
nor shall you touch it, lest you die”. The enemy ever seeks to get us to doubt God’s Word in
order to steal from us, to kill us and destroy us- John 10:10. You must understand this is
Satan’s purpose in causing us to doubt God’s Word, OUR DESTRUCTION. God’s Word is for
our protection, preservation, provision and daily bread to name but a few. Satan even
challenged Jesus with words of doubt when he said repeatedly, “If you are are the Son of God”
make these stones bread, cast yourself down from the temple, bow down and worship me.
Jesus responded to each of these temptations with, “It is written”! With the third temptation
Jesus told Satan, “Be gone Satan! For it is written you shall worship the Lord your God and
Him only”!! This too should be our response when he comes with his doubts and temptations,
You can Doubt in your head and not in your Heart
You may not realize it but you can have doubts in mind but not in your heart. As I said earlier
we all have to deal with doubts but they should be like birds flying over your head; you let them
pass on by, you don’t allow them to build a nest in your hair. If you allow them to build a nest,
those doubts will affect your heart in time, so let them pass on by. While newlyweds my wife
and I agreed in prayer that she would conceive and that we would have a healthy baby boy. We
based our prayer on Matthew 18:19 “Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about
anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven.” She did
conceive and over the next nine months of her pregnancy thoughts would come to my mind,
“what if it’s not a boy”, “are you sure you’ll have a boy” and so on. But in my heart, I knew God
had heard our request and I NEVER meditated on or spoke the doubts that had come into my
mind. If I had spoken those doubts which had come from Satan, then they would have affected
my heart. I dismissed those devilish thoughts and my heart remained steadfast on Matthew
18:19 and we had a 9 lb.2 oz healthy baby boy named Jered. Shortly after his birth my wife and
I agreed again that we would have a little girl and that she wouldn’t weight over 7.5 pounds. We
again based our request on Matthew 18:19. You say, why did you request not over 7.5 lbs?
Because our son was “big” and healthy at birth and it was a difficult delivery, therefore the
request for our daughter was that she not weigh over 7.5 pounds. Fourteen months after our
son was born the Lord gave us a little girl – Deanna who weighed 7.2 pounds.
Feed your Faith, starve your doubts
In the days when I pastored, I had a precious lady who was ever attacked concerning her
salvation. The devil had her questioning her salvation and she would come and talk with me
about her doubts. I asked her to tell me when she repented and surrendered her heart to the
Lord. After she shared her testimony I would tell her what God’s Word said, “For as many who
have received Him to them He gave the right to become children of God” from John 1:12. This
would satisfy her for a while but then she would come again questioning her salvation and we
would go through the whole process once again. This went on for a time until she finally put
away those doubts and got her mind in agreement with the Word of God. She finally decided,
“I have received God’s Son, therefore, I AM A CHILD OF GOD”. The Word of God will drive out
doubts if you will feed on it, agree with it and receive it. It took this sister a while to overcome
the doubts and she did. As time went on she came to me and laughed having doubted her
salvation. Her mind was now so renewed in God’s Word she saw those pass doubts as being
silly and foolish. She fed her faith and starved her doubts. The way you do that is by embracing
God’s Word and no longer thinking the doubts nor speaking the doubts. Rather – you think on,
meditate on and speak the Word of God.
Let doubts die – Stillborn
When it comes to doubts we should deliberately let them die stillborn. We give them no life, we
give them no attention, no meditation, and we don’t speak them out of our mouth. Therefore
the doubts die stillborn in our minds because we have fed them nothing. Doubts come as a
thought from the evil one, if we don’t dismiss it and cast it down, it can become a meditation. If
we allow it to become a meditation then the doubt can become words from our mouth and
words carry life or death- read Proverbs 18:20-21. If you speak the doubtful words of
meditation then they can become a stronghold in and over your life. At this point, place has
been given to the devil and destructive forces will then have free course to work. Here is some
Good News though, if you have done this- repent, turn away from this, ask the Lord to forgive
you and He will.
War on Doubt
How do I “War on doubt” you may ask? Doubt must be replaced and driven out with truth,
God’s Word is truth!. For example, if the devil is pressing you and saying God will not supply
your need, first find the answer to the doubt in God’s Word. Philippians 4:19-20 “And my God
will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Now begin thinking
on this verse, let it become a meditation; roll it over and over around in your mind. Ponder this
verse over and over and let this verse become a reality in your heart. Next begin declaring, “My
God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus”!! You are now
building a stronghold of “life” over your life in this area. Hide the Word of God in your heart and
it will keep you.
“How can a young man keep his way pure? By keeping it according to Your word.
With all my heart I have sought You; Do not let me wander from Your commandments.
Your word I have treasured in my heart, That I may not sin against You.”
Psalms 119:9-11
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