Does Satan often remind you of your past? It seems he keeps a detailed record of our mistakes and failures, and he has a way of bringing them up right as God begins to move in our life. For many it’s one step forward, two steps back, in their spiritual walk. Satan is an accuser, and one of his choice weapons is condemnation. He loves nothing more than to make a child of God feel unworthy of the Father’s love or acceptance.
Scripture gives us a sharp dagger for times the enemy comes close and tries to condemn us. Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Do you notice the important word “now?” The idea is not that God will one day forgive our sins, but rather we are forgiven at the present moment. I believe the Holy Spirit has included this scripture in our Bible to teach us how to stand in our present redemption. If Satan can cause you to live in condemnation, then how will you live in joy? How will the fruits of peace and love abound in your life? This scripture is to bring assurance that we are free of all condemnation that sin brings.
So the question is, how are we no longer in condemnation? The Biblical answer is because we are in Christ Jesus. To be found in Christ means that we are clothed in his righteousness. “I will greatly rejoice in the Lord; my soul shall exult in my God, for he has clothed me with the garments of salvation; he has covered me with the robe of righteousness,” (Isaiah 61:10). When the Father sees us, He no longer sees our self-righteousness which are as filthy rags, but instead, he now sees true righteousness which are the robes of Christ. (Isaiah 64:6). Again, notice the scripture says “to those who are in Christ Jesus.” If forgiveness depended on our own merits, none of us would be forgiven.
The Bible’s foundation for forgiveness is the work of Jesus Christ. When it comes to forgiveness, are you trusting in yourself, like being a good person having good intentions, or are you trusting in Christ alone? Once you understand you do not earn God’s forgiveness, rather, you are forgiven for the sake of Christ. Satan says you are not worthy for God to love and forgive you. Of course, we are not worthy, because if we were it would nullify our need for salvation. So I encourage you to walk in forgiveness. Don’t try to earn it, simply accept it.
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