Chad Roberts

These are the words I am listening to as we fly over the Swiss Alps. The view from 30,000 feet above the ground has given me the most wonderful appreciation for the majesty of God. As I look down on these snow-capped mountain peaks, I am thinking to myself, only a God full of power and creativity could have done this!

How these mountains reflect God’s glory! It has nothing to do with me or you. These are the workings of God. Colossians teaches us that all things were made by Him and without Him nothing was made. All things are made to His glory. You, me, and The Alps were created to echo the glory of God!

This turns my thoughts toward salvation. How it was God’s grace that came to me. It was not by my thinking or my plans. It was God that found me! It was God’s design of redemption and mercy that delivered me from sin! It was His good pleasure that awakened me to righteousness, for I was dead in the guilt and trespasses of sins and His mercy awakened me, His grace called to me…His Spirit drew me!

When I look on these majestic Alps, it does nothing for my pride and ego. Rather, it humbles me to see how great God is and how small I am. So it should be when we see the mountains of God’s mercy and the mountains of Salvation, it should remove pride and arrogance from our hearts. Too many Christians are prideful. The deceiving thing about a fish is that it is always wet. It doesn’t realize it’s wet because all it knows is water.

Until the Lord shows us the pride in our lives, we don’t realize how prideful and arrogant we really are, especially toward Him!

Yes, today I am blessed by the Swiss Alp Mountains. But I am even more amazed, even staggered by the mountains of God’s grace and mercy!

Swiss Alps
February 9, 2007