One of my favorite phrases in the Bible is found in 2 Corinthians 9:8. It simply says, “God is able.” There is a world of truth in that statement. The Greek word for able is dunatei. It is actually where we get our English word dynamite, and it means power. When you think of God, do you see Him as boring and uninterested in your life? Or do you have a Biblical view of God? Do you see Him as all-powerful? When Scripture says He is able, it tells me He has the ability to do extraordinary things in my life.
Paul then says, God is able “to make.” I love these two small words because it reminds me that God is Creator. The first name for God revealed in scripture is found in Genesis 1:1. It is the Hebrew name Elohim which means God, the Creator. He is powerful because He is Creator God! This is why God is able to make, shape, and even recreate all situations and circumstances of my life.
Now, here is where the verse gets really interesting. God is able to make “all grace abound toward you.” Grace is a gift you and I cannot obtain on our own. I especially appreciate how Paul says, “all grace.” When I sat and pondered this, the Lord reminded me of 1 Peter 4:10. Scripture says we are stewards of the varied grace of God. The old King James called it the manifold grace of God. In other words, there is various grace for various trials. You may need grace to stay in a difficult marriage. You may need grace dealing with prodigal children. You may need grace through a season of depression or isolation. Whatever your circumstance, God is able to make all grace abound toward you.
My favorite word in this phrase is abound. This is a very special word picture throughout the New Testament. Paul uses it in many of his writings. The word picture is of a river vastly overflowing its banks. Paul had this in mind when he wrote Romans 5:20, “where sin abounds, grace does much more abound.” In other words, where there are waves of sin, there are greater waves of grace that overcome it. Is that not a beautiful word picture of the ability of God to bless our lives? Friends, whatever you are facing today, do not lose sight of God’s enablement to make all grace overflow in your life.
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