by Joy Bollinger | Faith, Purpose
“Why was I born?” Before I knew the Lord, I asked that question multiple times. Life seemed unpredictably unfair. I wanted to know my purpose for being on this earth. The thought of living a meaningless life that would end in a cold dark grave frightened me. Surely,...
by Chad Roberts | Missions, Purpose, Will of God
Many years ago, I was in Minneapolis listening to an old missionary. I’ll never forget the outline she shared. I cannot remember her name, but I remember her story and I remember what she shared from Scripture. It impacted me then and it impacts me still today. I want...
by Terry Whitson | Purpose, Serving
With retirement comes opportunity. It is not an end but a new beginning. Unfortunately, some go home, flop down to watch TV, but many of them don’t live very long. Fortunately, for the believers in Jesus Christ, there is the wonderful work of the Kingdom to be...