The Heart is a Reservoir

The Heart is a Reservoir

The last 17 months have been stressful and challenging unlike any other time. During this period of my life, God impressed upon my heart to pursue guarding my heart and mind from doubt, fear, unbelief, and waning faith. Because, what we hold in our mind, which is the...
Two Thieves

Two Thieves

As I was meditating on Luke 23: 32-43, I was captivated by some startling similarities found with the two criminals and today’s sin-laden culture. Let us start with the Scripture that describes the conversation between two thieves that hung on either side of Jesus,...

Words Matter

When I was a young child, I loved to learn and looked forward to going to school. At age seven, classmates began bullying me with hurtful, demeaning words. Then the bullying progressed to physical attacks. As a very precocious and gregarious child, I was confused and...
The Twins of Fear and Worry

The Twins of Fear and Worry

We are all guilty of worrying about something or someone. As much as I would like to deny it, there have been times when I kept myself awake at night fretting over something that I could not control or change.  The dictionary defines worry as fretting,...
Roots that Run Deep

Roots that Run Deep

On February 13, 2019, the sound of chain saws and wood chippers awakened me out of a much-needed sleep. The snowstorm of December 9, 2018, had deposited as much as nine inches of heavy, wet snow on parts of East Tennessee and various parts of the Carolinas....