The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

It was the winter of 1973. Ten years had passed since my dad had passed away from a massive heart attack at forty-five. As a new Christian of two years, I was learning about the power of forgiveness, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your...


Does Satan often remind you of your past?  It seems he keeps a detailed record of our mistakes and failures, and he has a way of bringing them up right as God begins to move in our life.  For many it’s one step forward, two steps back, in their spiritual...
Numbering Our Days

Numbering Our Days

Contributor: Chad Roberts Have you ever noticed how the Bible emphasizes days rather than years?  In today’s culture, we mark birthdays, anniversaries, and other celebrations by counting the years.  Scripture encourages us to number our...


Contributor: Chad Roberts Does Satan often remind you of your past?  It seems he keeps a detailed record of our mistakes and failures, and he has a way of bringing them up right as God begins to move in our life.  For many it’s one step forward, two steps...
The Umbrella

The Umbrella

Recently, I was reminded of an incident that occurred in 2014, that changed my thinking.  We were low on pet supplies and the store was conveniently on the way to the evening church service. The heavy downpour had settled into a steady rain, so I grabbed my newly...