by Joy Bollinger | Faith, Following Christ
Many of us have been praying the Lord’s Prayer since we were children. But as I was reflecting on different aspects and meanings of this prayer that Jesus gave to His disciples, this sentence stood out: Your kingdom come Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven...
by Joy Bollinger | Evil Days, Faith, Following Christ
The United States is experiencing an increasing epidemic of apostasy (the abandonment of belief in God and His resurrected Son, Jesus Christ), while the growth of Christianity is exploding in other nations around the world. How did this nation that was founded on...
by Chad Roberts | Christian Living, Following Christ
Jesus taught people are on one of two paths. He called it the broad road and the narrow road (Matthew 7:13-14). The first leads to eternal destruction, while the second leads to eternal life. I am always stunned when I hear people say, “All roads lead to...
by Chad Roberts | Christian Living, Encouragement, Following Christ
Contributor: Chad Roberts I will never forget the day we ripped out the old, stained carpet in our church auditorium. Before losing eyesight, I had the joy of replacing the flooring with new, plush, commercial-grade carpet. In the early days of our church,...
by Joy Bollinger | Following Christ, Repentance
Have you ever thought it was odd that Jesus allowed Judas Iscariot to be His treasurer? Jesus knew that Judas was a thief because Jesus knows all things (John 16:30). Nothing is hidden from Him. Judas’s heart and intentions surfaced when Mary took a pound of...