Resolute Faith

Resolute Faith

Contributor: Chad Roberts Approximately 45% of Americans start the New Year with a resolution.  However, only about 8% actually keep their resolutions for the year. Statistics tell us about 22% of resolutions fail after one week, 40% after one month, 50% after...
Ability vs Availability

Ability vs Availability

Recently, I was challenged to ponder the difference between ability and availability as it applies to Christians. The dictionary’s definition for ability is talent, skill, artistry, expertise, aptitude, mastery, competence, proficiency, dexterity, smartness,...
Know Truth. Share Truth. Live Truth.

Know Truth. Share Truth. Live Truth.

We ask, “What is truth?” Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, ‘So You are a king?’ Jesus answered, ‘You say correctly that I am a king. For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, to testify to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.’...
Tis So Sweet

Tis So Sweet

Contributor: Chad Roberts What was supposed to be a family day at the beach quickly turned to tragedy.  Louisa and her husband had taken their four year old daughter for a picnic on the beach in Long Island, New York.  Most accounts say when Mr. Stead heard...
When Faith Says “Sink or Swim”

When Faith Says “Sink or Swim”

Contributor: Chad Roberts I was a mere twenty years old when God called me to plant Preaching Christ Church.  With less than ten people, we stepped out in faith and established the church.  I tried to tell God that no one would come to a twenty-year...