Never Give Up

Never Give Up

Contributor: Chad Roberts Thick fog had settled over the twenty mile stretch between Catalina Island and the California coastline.   The thirty-four-year-old Florence Chadwick was already an accomplished swimmer, but on July 4, 1952, she was aiming to become the...
 Comfortable Christianity

 Comfortable Christianity

I enjoy reading biographies of missionaries and other Christian heroes from the past.  One of my all-time favorites is the story of Adoniram and Ann Judson.  They were the first missionaries sent out from the newly formed United States of America.  Born...
In It but Not of It

In It but Not of It

Contributor: Chad Roberts Can you define worldliness?  As Christ-followers, it should be clear to us what God considers worldly.  I grew up in what was at times a legalistic environment.  From home to church, the standards were high, and at times, it...
The Mind is a Control Tower

The Mind is a Control Tower

An airport, no matter the size, has a control tower that constantly monitors flight patterns, which sometimes will require the redirecting of a flight to ensure the safety of the flight and of others. And like an airport control tower, the mind is a control tower that...
Voltaire: Fool’s Gold

Voltaire: Fool’s Gold

Contributor: Chad Roberts “One hundred years from my day, there will not be a bible in the earth…”  Voltaire is studied and revered by many today.  He was a French enlightener and philosopher.  He opposed Christianity and made a mockery of God and the...
Have You Lost Hope?

Have You Lost Hope?

Contributor: Chad Roberts Have you ever lost hope?  Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope delayed makes the heart sick.”  I try to imagine what it would have been to be a disciple after Christ’s crucifixion.  The feelings of despair had to be overwhelming. ...