Let me clearly state that this is NOT an indictment of people who have tattoos. Many of my family members and friends have tattoos. Most people who have tattoos have simply followed the current culture of tattooing. But then there are those sincere Christians who...
Be Careful What You Speak

Be Careful What You Speak

The permeating pollution of profanity has become common place in our culture because society’s comfort level of what is tolerated has shifted. Expletives, once banned in public, are now unbridled. However, I grew up in an era and in an environment where cursing was...
The Way

The Way

John 3:16 was one of the first verses I memorized as a new Christian: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son (Jesus) that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life” (NIV). While meditating on this short but very significant verse,...


As I was studying God’s Word the other day, my eyes fastened on the word “if” which Satan used to tempt Jesus in the desert. Interestingly if is used 805 times in the Old Testament and 602 times in the New Testament for a total of 1,407. Satan confronted Jesus as...
Excellence—Not Perfection

Excellence—Not Perfection

I absolutely love when God speaks to us through those things that surround us. As I have said in my book, JOURNEY WITH GOD, He uses people, animals, nature, everyday activities and experiences, and His Word to reveal precious truths to us. We must be aware of those...