The Fruit of Fellowship

The Fruit of Fellowship

Contributor: Chad Roberts One of the incredible realities of Christianity is our fellowship with Jesus.  1 Corinthians 1:9 stuns the reader when Paul writes, “God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” ...
The Dangers of Falling Out of Church

The Dangers of Falling Out of Church

I see it all the time, families get serious about their spiritual life and then suddenly, they fall out of church. Here is the intriguing thing to me, I do not know many people who deliberately walked away from church. However, I could name countless families who...
What A True Church Must Be

What A True Church Must Be

While building Preaching Christ Church has been the greatest opportunity the Lord has given me I ministry, it has by far been the most challenging. Ask any faithful pastor or church planter and they will tell you that there is not anything easy about building and...
A Student Pastor’s Broken Heart

A Student Pastor’s Broken Heart

Today, I was working at my desk preparing for my two counseling sessions with two students and their families this evening when I opened Facebook and seen there seemed to be an issue at a local school today. That is when it all clicked and that is when God said, write...