Chad Roberts

“Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.”
Colossians 1:28-29

I host a weekly prayer gathering each Tuesday night called, Prayer that Moves Mountains. This past Tuesday, I felt the Lord wanted me to minister to those who are feeling weak. Those who are exhausted physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Exhaustion happens to the best of us, but the danger is that when we reach a place of exhaustion, we become vulnerable to Satan’s lies and attacks.

If you are someone who is feeling tired or overwhelmed, then you need to discover the way Paul found his strength and energy, even when he was at a place of exhaustion. Like Paul, you and I can live with God’s energy and we can embrace a life of significance that will matter for eternity.

Him We Proclaim
First, notice that Paul states how his life is centered on Christ. For many believers, their life is not centered on Christ. Their life is about their career, their interests or their hobbies. Too many Christians compartmentalize their faith. They have a work life, a home life, and a church life. But as believers, we are not to categorize our lives. Christ is to be predominant in our homes as well as our careers. Living to His glory should be the greatest aim of a believers life.

How can we know our lives are proclaiming Christ? I think the answer to that question is when we are inviting the Lord to influence the decisions we make. Often the Lord will lead you to do something that you might love and enjoy, but also there are times the Lord will lead you to do things you do not enjoy. In those times, you need to remember that your life is to proclaim Christ.

If you allow the experiences of your life to mature you in the Lord you will discover the true meaning of your life proclaiming Christ. Your joys will proclaim Him as well as your sorrows. Your blessings will proclaim Him as well as your trials and temptations. As a believer, everything about you should ultimately be about Christ.

A Christian’s Goal in Life
Second, notice that Paul shows the responsibility of Christians. Every trial we face, every temptation we encounter as well as every joy and every sorrow is meant to mature us in Christ. If you stop to think about it, how wonderful that God is not going to allow us to always be baby believers! He is going to ensure that we grow and mature into responsible Christians. I love the fact that God is not going to leave me to myself or allow me to be immature in my thinking and feelings. No! He is going to grow me and mature me.

As my life matures in the Lord then all the experiences I face is going to impact others around me. For some, it will warn them and for others, it will teach them. Whether I am modeling this in my life or whether I am loving and talking to the ones God brings into my life, my responsibility is to warn people and teach people with all wisdom.

Living with God’s Energy
Lastly, Paul is going tell us how we can find a unique strength and energy to go forward. If our lives are centered on Christ (Him we proclaim) and if our lives are consistent with the goal of maturing (warning and teaching others) then we can experience a supernatural energy that God gives to His people.

Notice verse 29 begins by saying, “For this, I toil.” The word toil is very interesting. It literally means to work to the point of exhaustion. When I consider that Paul labored to the point of exhaustion, then I have to ask myself if I am working this hard? Do you I have this type of spiritual work ethic or is Christianity simply a past time, no different than my favorite sports team or hobby?

This verse tells me that if I am willing to “toil” (work to the point of exhaustion) then God will give me His energy (His supernatural ability). Is that not an incredible thought? It causes me to not want to hold anything back but to give all of me for the cause of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.